This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 7 [Fri, Sep 16th] - Summary

Where is the recess week?

  • It's in the middle of week 7. As you know, CS2103/T week starts early. But we will honor the official timing of the recess week. Think of it like this:
    • Fri, Sep 16th : CS2103/T Week 7 starts
    • Sat, Sep 17th - Sun, Sep 25th : Recess week (Week 7 put on hold)
    • Mon, Sep 26th : CS2103/T Week 7 resumes
  • Recess week days are omitted from deadline calculations. For example, the early submission deadline is week 7 Monday (Mon, Sep 26th ), not recess week Monday.
  • We have not scheduled any regular module activities during recess week. But you may be asked to catch up on missed activities in the previous weeks e.g., late submissions for the iP.

You are encouraged to try this week's tutorial questions before the actual tutorial. Otherwise we might not have enough time to finish all the questions during the tutorial hour.


  • [W7.1] Requirements: Use Cases

  • [W7.2] Design: High-Level View

  • [W7.3] Design: Fundamentals

  • [W7.4] IDEs: Advanced Features : OPTIONAL

  • [W7.5] Integration Approaches

  • [W7.6] Project Mgt: Scheduling and Tracking

  • [W7.7] Project Mgt: Workflows

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz


  1. [Optional] Get more out of the iP

tP: v1.1

  1. Do a practice iteration midnight before the tutorial
  2. Update project website: AboutUs, README
  3. Update the UG
  4. Add a skeletal PPP
  5. Update the DG: user stories, glossary, NFRs, use cases
  6. Plan the next iteration
  7. Start implementing the next version