This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 5 [Fri, Sep 2nd] - Summary


  • [W5.1] Requirements: Intro

  • [W5.2] Requirements: Gathering

  • [W5.3] Requirements: Specifying

  • [W5.8] RCS: Managing Pull Requests II

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz
  2. [optional] Submit mid-term feedback for the module Sat, Sep 10th 2359
  3. Practice peer evaluation on TEAMMATES Thu, Sep 8th 2359


  1. Generate a new JAR file
  2. Write some full commit messages
  3. Add Increments as PRs: A-Assertions, A-CodeQuality, A-Streams
  4. Add Increment: A-CI
  5. Add an extension


  1. Brainstorm user stories before the tutorial
  2. Choose user stories for v1.2 before/during the tutorial