This site is from a past semester! The current version will be here when the new semester starts.

Week 3 [Fri, Aug 19th] - Summary

We start tutorials this week. The tutorial time table is on the module website.

In-video quizzes can earn you bonus participation points!

Starting from week 3, some pre-recorded lecture videos in the Topics tab will contain in-video quizzes. Videos containing quizzes are labelled Video Q+ (instead of the usual Video)

Answering in-video quizzes can earn you bonus participation points.


  • [W3.1] RCS: Branching

  • [W3.2] RCS: Creating Pull Requests

  • [W3.3] Automating the Build Process

  • [W3.4] Java: JavaDoc, file I/O, packages, JARs

  • [W3.5] Code Quality: Coding Standards

  • [W3.6] Developer Testing

  • [W3.7] Unit Testing

Full ToC


  1. Submit post-lecture quiz
  2. [CS2103 students only] Form teams during the tutorial


  1. Do any leftover iP tasks from the previous week
  2. Create a PR to the upstream repo
  3. Add Increments as parallel branches: Level-7, Level-8
  4. Add Increments: A-MoreOOP, A-Packages, A-Gradle, A-JUnit, A-Jar
  5. Add Increments as parallel branches: A-JavaDoc, A-CodingStandard, Level-9


  1. Get familiar with AB3 features
  2. Set up a project meeting time by the end of the tutorial